
Prikaz objav, dodanih na april, 2021

Cencorship & Privacy

 In this blog post, I will highlight an example of online censorship and one of online privacy.  Cencorship: China’s biggest viral video hit of the year may have been Under the Dome, a documentary about China’s very serious environmental problems produced by CCTV host Chai Jing. The film was made with the government’s apparent consent, but as its popularity grew and more than 200 million people watched it, authorities apparently became nervous. The film was subsequently removed from many of China’s major video streaming platforms, and discussion of it online – which originally was being permitted – started to get censored. Privacy Zoom gave data to third parties without users’ knowledge. In April 2020 piece from The New York Times alleged that popular video conferencing site Zoom engaged in undisclosed data mining during user conversations. The coverage asserted that when a person signed into a meeting, Zoom transmitted their data to a system that matched individuals with thei...

Mitnick formula

Slovenia implemented its Cyber Security Strategy -  Establishing a system to ensure a high level of cybersecurity in 2016. The strategy covers the following strategic goals in the ENISA self-assessment classification: Cybercrime, security with privacy balance, citizen awareness, critical Information infrastructure protection, international cooperation, incident response capability, institutionalised form of cooperation between public agencies, incident reporting mechanisms, cybersecurity exercises, training and educational programmes Under the 2016 strategy, Slovenia plans to set up central coordination of the national cybersecurity assurance system and provide conditions for its stable operation. This body is tasked with coordinating national cybersecurity assurance capabilities, acting as a single point of contact for international cooperation. At the operational level of cybersecurity assurance, SI-CERT brings its national capabilities while SIGOV-CERT supports public administra...