
Prikaz objav, dodanih na maj, 2021

Rule utilitarianism

 One of the most well-known and popular moral philosophies is utilitarianism. Its central principle, like that of other types of consequentialism, is that whether acts are morally right or wrong is determined by their consequences. The only consequences of behaviors that are important are the positive and negative outcomes that they achieve. Utilitarians claim that the goal of morality is to improve people's lives by increasing the amount of good things (like enjoyment and happiness) and reducing the amount of negative things in the universe (such as pain and unhappiness). They oppose moral codes or structures that are based on rituals, traditions, or instructions issued by kings or divine entities and consist of commands or taboos.

How do blind people use a computer?

 How do blind people use a computer? Despite the fact that blind people can type on ordinary keyboards, they must rely on specific software and hardware to view the information shown on a computer screen. Screen Readers A screen reader is a piece of software that interprets what's on the screen and relays it to the user via a text-to-speech engine or a refreshable braille monitor. It allows blind and visually disabled individuals to read notes, search the internet, submit e-mails, and work through an application's menus and dialogue boxes. Since blind people cannot use a mouse, they must rely solely on keyboard commands to complete tasks that sighted people can complete with a mouse. These keyboard commands include those integrated into the computer's operating system or a specific software program, such as CTRL+C for copying the selected text. A refreshable braille monitor is a computer-connected electronic interface with a USB or Bluetooth link. Its function is to display...