How Skype changed peer to peer messaging

A brief history of Skype

Estonian developers Zahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn, Danish developer Janus Friis and Swedish developer Niklas Zennstrom founded Skype. In August 2003, the premier voice-over-IP service was launched. The name, Skype stands for Sky Peer to Peer. The original application allowed voice calls and not much more. 

Skype zoomed to new heights of success with the introduction of the Beta 2.0 version in 2005. Skype was purchased by eBay in a historic deal for $2.5 billion in 2005. The creators started to work on a video streaming service known as Joost. The subscription service struggled to work.

Skype started to make gradual strides during the eBay ownership process. Frustration set in, revealing that they had overvalued Skype on eBay. With a focus on sociability, the course of Skype started to alter.

The consequence was the launch of Skpecasts in May 2006. Users of up to 100 participants were able to use voice conversations via Skypecasts. These interactions resembled chat rooms operated by a moderator who decided who was able to talk next, this was a stride in the right direction, for Skype and for future apps.

In 2013 Skype released a video messaging service, that proved to be a success and in 2017 a mobile app was created.

How Skype changed the scene

Skype was not one of the first instant messaging services on the market, with its predecessors like Yahoo and Pidgin, though it made many strides in the field of video calling, messaging and voice calling.

It had a great user base and still does, though it's depleting for other services that are better (Microsoft did not do good things to it). For me Discord is far superior, there is less lag, better quality and friendlier user interface, but apps like this would have never happened without Skype. Skype changed the messaging scene for the better and we can all thank them, because of them every one is using at least one form of instant messaging 

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