Ai = Good = Bad?
In this blog post, I will present how AI can save lives and how it can make them worse. First I will present 3 examples of how it helped people. 1. Preventing Accidents 1.35 million people die from vehicle-related accidents each year. !important app aims to minimize the risks of accidents with all certified connected vehicles. The AI-enabled app creates a virtual protection zone around pedestrians, wheelchair users, cyclists or motorcyclists. If a connected vehicle gets too close to an !important user, its brakes will be triggered automatically. 2. Detecting Medical Conditions Voice-based digital assistant listens in on emergency calls and analyzes what patients say to determine their current medical state. Trials of the system in Copenhagen found that it decreased cases of undetected out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by 43%. The company is already working on ways its solution can be used to diagnose other ailments. 3. Improving Pharmaceutical Sol...