
Prikaz objav, dodanih na februar, 2021

2004 Information Society Report to the Parliament of Finland

 In 2004, Dr Pekka Himanen, a doctor who specialized in philosophy and computer science, released a report on the challenges, that global information society  In 2004, Dr Pekka Himanen, a doctor who specialized in philosophy and computer science, released a report on the challenges, that global information society presents. Himanen focuses on five core issues, that would arrive in the future.  Himanen provides us with three models, that could help us better our society.   1. Silicon valley model, The Silicon Valley model refers to the neoliberalist scenario of “leaving the weak behind”. Although this scenario is technologically and economically dynamic, it comes with a high social price. For example, the Silicon Valley area itself produced 60 millionaires a day at the end of the 1990s, but they had to move to fenced residential areas, because a society that leaves some of its citizens in the margin is a society of fear, while a lot of people live in povert...

How Skype changed peer to peer messaging

A brief history of Skype Estonian developers Zahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn, Danish developer Janus Friis and Swedish developer Niklas Zennstrom founded Skype. In August 2003, the premier voice-over-IP service was launched. The name, Skype stands for Sky Peer to Peer. The original application allowed voice calls and not much more.  Skype zoomed to new heights of success with the introduction of the Beta 2.0 version in 2005. Skype was purchased by eBay in a historic deal for $2.5 billion in 2005. The creators started to work on a video streaming service known as Joost. The subscription service struggled to work. Skype started to make gradual strides during the eBay ownership process. Frustration set in, revealing that they had overvalued Skype on eBay. With a focus on sociability, the course of Skype started to alter. The consequence was the launch of Skpecasts in May 2006. Users of up to 100 participants were able to use voice conversations via Skypecasts. These inte...


The Computer Science Network  The Computer Science Network (CSNET) was a computer network in the United States that started running in 1981. Its goal was to expand networking benefits to departments of computer science at academic and research institutions that could not be explicitly linked to ARPANET due to restrictions on funding or authorization. There had been three major components of CSNET project: an email relaying program (Delaware and RAND), a name service (Wisconsin), and tunnelling infrastructure TCP/IP-over-X.25 (Purdue). Initial access was by dial-up telephone or X.29/X.25 terminal emulation via email relay, via gateways at Delaware and RAND. TCP/IP, even running over X.25, was finally introduced to CSNET access. The network operated from 1981 until its eventual shut down in 1991, where it was replaced with more advanced networks. The network was a great early start for internet and it had a great influence on the internet in its culture, where you can still feel its ...

3 Products that flopped

Products that flopped (week 1)   In this blog post, I will describe three products, that were deemed to success, but ultimately failed, I will describe, why they failed and why they were thought of products, that will succeed .     1.  Google Glass, Google (2013-2014).   Remember this one? I do. The problem with these is that they were incredibly hyped up, but when people find out what they actually did, they were disappointed, not to mention, that they look really bad when you wear them. As of now, Google has stopped supporting them and terminated all servers, though I would be interested in trying them since I want to try all "new" technology. 2.  Segway, Segway Inc. (2001)   The  Segway PT  is a two-wheeled, self-balancing battery electric vehicle invented by Dean Kamen.  It was launched in 2001 in a blizzard of publicity.  Yet it has failed to gain significant market acceptance and is now something of a c...